Escape World Chapter 2 Walkthrough. This game is another Japanese room escape game.
Escape World Chapter 2 Description. You are trapped in a room and you need to escape the room by finding and using items with solving puzzles. Good luck and have fun!
Use your mouse to play Escape World Chapter 2.
Play Escape World Chapter 2Escape World Chapter 2 Walkthrough / Escape World Chapter 2 Cheats / Solution
- First scene(view with the white box)
-Click on the table below. Get chocolate. Click on the ashtray to see the circle number:53
-Click on the grey thing on the top shelf, put chocolate on top of the silver plate. Click back.
-Click on the bottom shelf right side (bottles). Take the rightmost bottle.
-Click on the middle shelf left side (to the behind red armchair). Click on the leftmost coffe cup, take key under it.
-Turn left
-Click on the right armchair. Take screwdriver from under it.
-Click on the plant on the right side. Take wooden stick.
-Click on the lamp on the left side. Unscrew it with screwdriver. Click the base. Note the square number 10
-Click on the table. Click the arrow below to change the view to drawers. Select the key. Click on the first drawer. click again. Take the pen from the opened drawer. Click back. Click up twice to leave the table.
-Turn left
-Click on the hanger on the right side. Click the first nail to take the half key.
-Click on the lft side of the moose (so it should be to your right). Take its eye.
-In the inventory look at the eye. Click once to turn it. Select half key from the hanger and click on the eye again. Now you have a key. Close the key from the inventory view.
-Turn left
-Click on the bottom shelf. Take the candle from the bottom left shelf.
-Find the brown book on the above left shelf. Select the moose key, and click on the lock. When the book is open, take the hammer head from inside.
-Click on the bottom shelf again. Find the red book from bottom right shelf. Open it and note down the code inside.
-From your inventory look at the hammer head. Select the wooden stick and click on the hammer head to make your hammer. Close it from your inventory.
-Turn left twice.
-Click on the table. Click on the lighter on the left side. Select candle from the inventory and click on the lighter to light it. Click the up arrow to return back.
-Turn right once.
-Click on the grey thing on the top shelf. Put your candle under the plate with chocolate. Click on the chocolate. Take the key. Click back.
-Turn left.
-Click on the table. Click down arrow for drawers. Select the key. click on the second drawer. Open it. Take the wrench. Click back.
-Click up arrow once. Then click right arrow. Click on the desk lamp. Select wrench, click on the lamp base to unscrew it.
-Click on the desk lamp to turn it. Click back once, then up arrow once to leave the table view.
-Open the bottle from your inventory. click once to run it. Select hammer and click the bottle again to get the blue marble.
-turn left once.
-Click on the right of moose (so it is to your left). Select the blue marble and put it in moose's right eye.
-Turn left
-Click on the colored box at the top shelf. Note the colors :green, purple, light blue
-Turn left twice.
-Click on the table, then down arrow to get the drawers view. Click on the bottom drawer. Click on the box, and push the buttons of the colors you noted from the box on top shelf. Push the lid of the box. Take the orange marble inside. Click back. Click up arrow twice to leave the table view.
-Turn left
-Click the left of moose (so your right). Put the orange marble instead of its left eye.
-Turn left twice.
-Click on the table below. Note thr triangle number (20).
-Click the (now blue) button on the wall. Press the button. Enter code combining the hint from red books and the numbers you noted:253
-Open the safe. Take paper.
-Open the paper from your inventory, select pen, click on the paper to fill it. Close it from your inventory.
-Click on the white box. Select the paper. Click on the top slot. Take key that just came out from the bottom slot.
source: comment by sishyphosMoreHope this Escape World Chapter 2 Walkthrough / Cheats / Solution to follow so helps. Please check back this page regularly for other walkthroughs and leave some comments to help me and other players.
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