D's Sakura Walkthrough. The latest room escape game by Doradora is D's Sakura. You have to collect 5 cherry blossom petals by solving the puzzles.
Use your mouse to play D's Sakura.
Play D's Sakura
Here are some D's Sakura tips/hints for you guys.D's Sakura Walkthrough / D's Sakura Solution / Hints
1. one petal in the red room. check the drawer and note the memo - up, down, down, up
2. look for a "C" on top of the yellow door
3. go back red room - under the table use the "C" or coin to unscrew plate
4. use the up, down, down, up combination - click the button
5. get the magnifying glass in the red drawer - click it and get the mirror
6. use the mirror in the blue code room - click and drag on the code box (big rectangle) - make a circle like a mirror with your mouse until you can see symbols pop out
7. count the no. of triangles and use the + x x to compute - it's 3503 = 3+ (5×35x20) - input 3503 and click red triangle to get the 2nd petal
8. go green room - get tripod
9. go back blue room - put the tripod and the mirror on the circle stand (yellow door opens) - click on the yellow light and you can see "NEWS"
10. go yellow click - click on N E W S to get 4 - click on the red line(?) so that letters disappear - click somewhere on the right to get key and 3rd petal
11. use the key to open purple door
12. inside purple door - there are 3 rows and four columns of digital clocks - convert digital time to analog - get a piece of paper and make analog time based from the no. colors - ex. blue has 6 colors - 3:30 8:45, 3:00 6:45, 3:15 9:00. you will be able to make no. "5", same with red, green and orange. So the number combination would be "5207"
13. go back green room - use 5207 to open the lock and get 4th petal - then click the "O" to reveal red button - click it to turn green (black room opens)
14. go to black room - click upward the STARS to see the stars - you will see yellow stars forming "S", green - "P", white - "C", red - "A", blue = "E" - use these to input the letters the corresponds to their color - click open and get the 5th petal
15 - use the petals and click the cherry blossom in the first screen - door opens and you're out
Whew! D's Sakura is a nice game! Hope this D's Sakura Walkthrough / D's Sakura Cheats help you.
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