Wax Room Escape Walkthrough. A new point and click game from 123bee.com. Walkthrough of Wax Room Escape below.
Wax Room Escape Description. You are locked in the wax room and you will have to find a way out to escape from the room by using objects found in the room.
Play Wax Room EscapeWax Room Escape Walkthrough
Get matches at flowerpot's stand
Seen where you see cheminea, moove table
Use match on table get iron needle
Use Iron Needle on table get knif
use knif on window get brightness
use knif on wooden box get candle
use match ti light candle
use candle on wardrobe get fuel
take wood in cheminea
use wood + fuel+candle get torch
use torch on green box get wax block
use torch on wax block get key
use torch next to table get trapdoor
go down get gaz
play with woodplanck until u get chest slide down get gaz adaptator
get up
use gaz on door
use key on door
text walkthrough source: Pitxun user from escapegames24.com
Wax Room Escape Walkthrough Video
Wax Room Escape Walkthrough
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