Into the Dream Walkthrough. A new game from Usawanhouse is this point and click escape game. same with other escape games, you have to find items and solve some puzzles to finish the game. A video walkthrough of Into the Dream to follow.
Play Into the DreamInto the Dream Walkthrough
1.In the first scene notice a shelf,in the middle of it there is a white box.Look bottom of the shelf,open the left slide get the crowbar.Notice a right slide is locked.Close the curtain on top of the shelf to get the number 613.Inside the curtain get a pink book.Open it in your inventry to get clue for the code of white box.As per the pink book we convert it in 539.Use it on the white box.Get a piece of paper like ear of some animal.
2.Turn right twice,see a plant on the wall, click on the left of the wall notice a yellow chair.
3.Click upper part of the chair to see a hook, add crowbar to it to pull it down a pipe is pulled.Again you had a paw like piece of paper from the pipe.Go up again to see something written on the pulled pipe.Remember it.*x7+4600.It is code you will need after some time.Click on your left to come back.
4.Click on the plant in the middle of the wall,notice a hole under the pot,click back and click on the right of the wall.
5.See a picture of a cat which is missing a ear and a paw and you have them in your inventry,so click on the picture and fix them up.Now click the heart shape in the picture,see a key falling down from the picture get it.Remember the locked slide in the first scene?So go back to that scene.
6.Open the right slide with the key you just had,get a pink card.Turn left twice.There is board on the wall click on it and take a yellow pin.Now click on the right foot of the white bear on the shelf,see 7 stars and a red button,press the red button and a box will come out of the floor.
7.Click the box.Remember the code we got in the third hint, *x7+4600, now you had value of star and that is 7,so the sum of 7x7+4600=4649,use it alongwith ne,(i.e.4649ne ),get the upper part of a green key.Click back and click left four times to the plant view.
8.Click the plant and use the yellow pin in the hole below,see a pink toy coming up from the floor.Click back and go right twice.
9.Click the pink toy,now as per the hint you get from the pink card 13631, (1=eye,3=ear,6=nose,3=ear,1=eye)click on the pink toy in this order.left eye,left ear, nose ,right ear, right eye.
10.Get the lower part of the key,in about item open the top of the key first then attach the lower part to it you had a key now.Come back and turn right thrice ,click the key on the green door and you are escaped.
source: gayatri ganesh iyer from
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