Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Slammer Escape Walkthrough Guide Solution Cheats Hints Tips Tricks Walkthru

Slammer Escape Walkthrough. A cool game from Try playing this game where you have to escape to be able to finish the game. A walkthrough of Slammer Escape will be provided if you need help completing the game.

Play Slammer Escape

Slammer Escape Walkthrough

1 Click left twice
2 click on the top bed
3 Lift the mattress
4 Pick up file
5 Click back
6 Click on the bottom bed on the left
7 on the left, pick up the wire
8 click back
9 click on the toilet
10 take the roll of tissue paper
11 click back
12 click on the poster
13 click on the middle of the poster
14 collect note and mold piece
15 read the note
16 go back
17 go right 3 times
18 pick up the mirror
19 go left twice
20 click on the left of the bed
21 click on the mirror
22 It says about Guard's timing... (Read carefully)
23 click back
24 Go right 5 times
25 Go to the clock and look at the time
26 Calculate at what hours the Guards are not there...
27 go back once
28 go left 3 times
29 click on the right side of the bed
30 put the number of hours you need until the guard arent around
31 Click right 4 times
32 click on the bottom right of the bars
33 Click on the file twice
34 Click back
35 Go right twice
36 Click on the toilet
37 Click on the bottom right corner
38 Click on the bar
39 Choose one of the Shapes as mentioned in the paper
40 Click on the bar
41 Take the blue sheet
42 Go back and click on the bottom of the bed
43 Click on the bed where you got the wire
44 click on the top of the mattress
45 Take note of the tallies "6, 9, 11"
46 Click back
47 Go right twice
48 Click on the blue sheet
49 Click on the words that have the number of letters corresponding to the tallies
50 click on the screen to reequip it
51 click on the hole
52 click on the mold piece
53 go right three times
54 Click on the clock
55 Click twice on the bar to throw it at the clock
56 go back and click on the bottom right of the bars
57 Click on the battery
58 Click on the collection of objects and click make a fire
59 You now have the key to the door
60 Escape!



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