Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Doodle God 2 Elements List All Combination

Doodle God 2 is a new point and click combine and discover game and the long awaited sequel to it's predeccessor made by joybits (also the creator of doodle devil). This new game features lots of funny quotes, two additional episodes of undated graphics and gameplay and an improved reactions set. Now you can work your creation from bacteria to beetles, radio wave to nuclear bomb, advanced weapons and beyond. But be very careful what you create for you might end up in a zombie apocalypse. Not that it's a zombie game, but chances are you'll get your daily dose of undead on your first try.

Doodle God 2 Elements List Combination.

Meanwhile, here is some Doodle God 2 All Elements List showing all combination you can do - it does seem to be in random order so just work it out guys.

void + electricity = radio wave
light bulb + radio wave = tv
tv + book = computer
void + glass = lightbulb
radiowave + radiowave = radiation
sand + tree = palm tree
seeds + energy = coffee
void + airplane = rocket
Void + rocket= Satellite
Radio wave + fire = laser
laser + book = CD
metal + water = quicksilver
quick silver demigod= philospers stone
Apple + cell phone = gold
human + computer = cyborg
computer + computer = internet
metal + radiation = plutonium
plutonium + weapon = Nuclear Bomb
computer + radio wave = cell phone
tree + flower = apple
energy + fire = plasma
plasma + void = sun
sun + grass = flower
sun + flower = sunflower

sand + glass = clock
commandments + human = religion
religion + human = law + sin
Beast + house = cat + dog
tools + law = mechanism
alcoholic + ship = pirate
waater + glass = ice
book + human = knowledge
warrior + firearm = soldier
gold + paper = money
knowledge + fish = octopus
bacteria + milk = cheese
money + human = work
beetle + work = ant
human + bacteria = virus
mechanism + book = typewriter
knowledge + human = scientist
fish + egg = caviar
alcoholic + house = tavern
apple + dough = pie
law + soldier = policeman
ice + milk = ice cream
knowledge + virus = medicine
fire + meat = steak
reed + field = sugar
ice + mechanism = freezer
secks + human = fun
reed + human = music
human + rocket = astronaut
corpse + electricity = death metal
medicine + bacteria = antibiotics
music + alcohol = rock-n-roll
alcohol + grass = absinthe
money + skyscraper = bank
computer + virus = hacker
coffee + vodka = b-52
law + fun = games
alcohol + pirate = rum
sugar + bread = cookies
alcoholic + money = hangover
money + bank = debt
debt + money = credit card
vodka + firearm + russian roulette
secks + secks = censored
typewriter + human = journalist
life + void = alien
beast + medicine = rat
vodka + worm = tequila
fire + vodka = molotov cocktail
milk + vodka = white russian
water + water = sea
sun + sea = salt
rocket + alien = ufo

Doodle God 2 walkthrough video will be posted here too when they go live. But as of now let's settle for the Doodle God 2 Elements list above.


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